Kapital Bank
Project description
Kapital Bank is a leading financial institution in Azerbaijan with an extensive network of over 140 offline branches. The bank embarked on an innovative project in one of its offices in partnership with DISPL to enhance the impact of Point of Service advertising through targeted content.

The goal was to leverage digital signage screens with AI-powered sensors to gain insights into the audience's demographics, behaviors, and engagement with on-screen content. By understanding visitor behavior, refine advertising strategies and make it more resonant with the audience's preferences and behaviors, thereby boosting the effectiveness of the bank's advertising efforts.
Work process
The project unfolded in three main stages.
1. Data collection:
Over one month, data was collected from two screens placed at different locations within the bank office. This phase focused on understanding visitor behavior, including demographics, average waiting time, and engagement with the screens.
2. Content optimization:
The second phase saw the implementation of targeted advertising content tailored to different age groups and genders using insights from detailed analytics. This approach was based on the understanding that different demographics engage differently with content, which requires adjusting content length and style to maximize viewer engagement.
3. Effectiveness measurement:
After making changes to the content, new data was collected to measure the impact on advertising effectiveness, which was determined by an increase in visitor engagement.
The bank's initial data collection revealed that most customers were men aged between 20 and 45, with an average visit duration of 4 minutes. During the busiest time of the week, which was on Fridays between 3-4 p.m., only 12% of visitors engaged with the screen content for an average of 9 seconds.
However, after making targeted content adjustments, there was a significant increase in engagement. The effectiveness of the content increased from 12% to 20%, with the average screen content engagement for an average of 15 seconds.
Further recommendations
For sustained improvement and optimization of advertising strategies, it is recommended to conduct A/B testing continuously. This approach will allow for identifying the most effective advertising campaigns by systematically comparing different content and strategies.
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