Dodo Pizza
Project description
Dodo Pizza is one of the fastest-growing pizza chains in the world, with more than 900 outlets in 17 countries. It's a tech-powered food service brand recognized as digital-oriented and innovative. Dodo Pizza approached us to test a menu board project with audience analytics.

- Collect audience data within 1.5 months;
- Establish how the transition from a traditional menu to a digital one affects the audience of an offline restaurant.
2 DISPL Kits Pro - AI-sensor + Player + Software
Work process

Six digital menu boards were connected to two DISPL Kits in the pilot restaurant. Two DISPL sensors were set up facing the checkout zone and entrance to analyze the audience. Sensors were analyzing audience data and, based on the number and demographics of visitors in the restaurant, digital menu boards showed relevant promotions.

Firstly, with the help of audience analytics technologies, we were able to evaluate the effect of the menu update. After introducing the digital menu, more women began to come during peak hours, and the audience's average age decreased by one year.

Also, from the collected data, we obtained valuable insights about the audience's behavior in the restaurant; for example, young audiences visit the restaurant more in the evening, and women make decisions about menu choices faster.

This information may be used to introduce special package offerings in the menu for different age groups to increase sales. Plus data can be used to show targeted ads of special offers or Promo positions in the Menu to show it directly to the needed audience that stands in front of the checkout zone.
Impact of the project
Dodo Pizza now has the opportunity to:
- Make date-driven solutions;
- Study the audience more deeply, its emotions, reactions, and behavior patterns;
- Test the effect of introducing special offers into the menu for different age groups based on their preferences and behavior;
- Test the impact of a flexible menu within a day on the average bill.
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