Digital Signage vs Traditional Printed Media

Digital Signage vs Print: An In-depth Analysis of the Benefits

Which one is better - digital signage or traditional signage? Learn our comparison and find out top reasons to choose digital signage over print signage.
Yuri Garmider
Yuri Garmider
Marketing Manager
March 14, 2024
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In the evolving landscape of retail marketing, traditional print media faces significant challenges—limited interactivity, the cumbersome process of content updates, and its inherently static nature. Digital signage solutions emerge as a potent alternative, offering dynamic and interactive content, the ease of real-time updates, and the appeal of engaging animations and interactive elements. This transition not only addresses the pain points associated with print media but also introduces a new realm of possibilities for audience engagement, leveraging technologies like what is a digital signage.

Digital signage benefits extend beyond mere interactivity; they herald a new era of measurable results and advantages of digital signage, including durability against weather conditions and vandalism, versatility in content management, and the ability to display diverse content types, from dynamic content to interactive content, all on one screen. As businesses strive for more effective ways to connect with their target market, digital signage presents a compelling case over traditional print, offering scalable and flexible digital signage solutions that cater to the ever-changing landscape of customer engagement and content delivery.

Cost Comparison

When evaluating the cost implications of digital signage versus print media, it's crucial to consider both initial investments and long-term expenses. Digital signage, while requiring an upfront investment for hardware and software, offers significant savings in maintenance and content updates over time. In contrast, print media, with its lower initial cost, incurs ongoing expenses for production and updates.

Initial Investment

  • Digital signage necessitates an initial outlay for digital signage software subscriptions, display screens, and media players, with small digital signage boards costing between $200 to $500 and larger, more advanced boards ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 or more. Print media, on the other hand, has a mean annual cost of about $5,340 but lacks the need for electronic components.
  • Additional costs for digital signage may include installation, which can range from $200 to $2,000 depending on complexity, and maintenance, with costs varying based on the system type but generally ranging from $59 to $500 per month.

Ongoing Costs and Savings

  • Digital signage eliminates the need for physical materials such as paper, colored ink, and mounting materials, significantly reducing printing expenses. Software subscriptions for digital signage can start from as low as $10 per display, per month, offering a cost-effective solution for content management.
  • Businesses can reduce printing and maintenance costs by up to 50% through digital signage. This technology allows for fast and easy updates in real-time, reducing the work and money spent on updating displays. Moreover, digital signage is more cost-effective than print media in the long term due to its adaptability and ability to increase actual sales.

Long-Term Benefits and Profitability

  • Digital signage is a one-time investment with long-lasting benefits, including the reduction of staff effort and cost by eliminating the need for recurring marketing paper prints. It has been shown to be more profitable and cost-efficient in the long term compared to printed signage. Additionally, reusing existing screens can further reduce costs and environmental impact.
  • The adaptability of digital signage, with its capacity for hyper-targeted content based on the visiting time of the target audience, makes it more effective than print media. This, coupled with the technology's lower ongoing and maintenance costs when compared to traditional print signage, underscores the long-term financial advantages of digital signage solutions.

By carefully weighing these factors, businesses can make informed decisions about the most cost-effective and impactful marketing solutions for their needs.

Durability and Maintenance

Digital signage solutions have revolutionized how businesses communicate with their audience, offering a dynamic and flexible alternative to traditional print media. One of the key areas where digital signage distinctly outshines print is in its durability and maintenance:

Durability of Displays

  • Digital signage employs commercial-grade displays designed for longevity, making them a more durable solution than print media. These displays are engineered to withstand the rigors of public display environments, including resistance to weather conditions and vandalism, ensuring that they remain functional and visually appealing for many years. In contrast, traditional signage, while not requiring power and thus offering versatility in placement, lacks this level of durability and can quickly become worn or damaged.

Maintenance and Upkeep

  • The maintenance of digital signage varies depending on its application but generally involves software updates and occasional hardware checks. Despite the need for a power source, which may limit placement options, the long-term maintenance costs are often lower than those associated with print media. Print media may not require power, but it lacks the ability to be easily updated or customized, potentially leading to higher costs and effort in keeping the content fresh and relevant. Digital signage, with its capacity for real-time updates, significantly reduces the need for manual content replacement and the associated costs.

Cost-Effectiveness Over Time

  • While digital signage requires a larger upfront investment in hardware and software, it offers considerable savings over time. The ability to update and customize content easily, combined with the longevity of commercial-grade displays, means businesses can use the same digital signage solutions for many years without the need for frequent replacements. This contrasts with print media, which may incur ongoing expenses for production and updates. Furthermore, the eco-friendly aspect of digital signage, due to reduced waste from printing materials, adds to its long-term financial and environmental benefits.

In summary, the durability and maintenance advantages of digital signage over traditional print media are clear. With the ability to withstand environmental challenges, coupled with lower long-term maintenance costs and the flexibility of content management, digital signage represents a smart investment for businesses looking to engage their audience effectively and sustainably.

Content Management and Flexibility

In the realm of retail marketing, digital signage solutions stand out for their unparalleled content management and flexibility, addressing the traditional limitations of printed media. This section delves into the core aspects that make digital signage a superior choice for dynamic and interactive audience engagement.

Real-Time Content Updates and Accuracy

  • Digital signage displays are not only about visual appeal; they serve as a critical tool for conveying up-to-date information, offering real-time updates for promotions, product details, and more. This capability ensures information accuracy, maintaining relevance and responsiveness to market dynamics. Moreover, real-time updates, such as changing prices, promotions, or schedules, are effortlessly achieved with digital signage, eliminating the delays and costs associated with updating traditional print media.

Flexibility and Customization

  • The flexibility of digital signage is unmatched, allowing for quick and easy content updates. This includes ad rotation, which enables businesses to display multiple messages or content types on a single screen at different times, maximizing the utility of each display. Furthermore, digital signage can be customized to target specific audiences, locations, and times of the day, enhancing the effectiveness of marketing messages. The dynamic nature of digital signage, capable of displaying a wide range of content formats like videos, images, and animated texts, captures viewer attention far more effectively than static print materials.

Engagement and Targeted Messaging:

  • Beyond flexibility, digital signage excels in improving customer engagement through targeted messaging and engaging digital content. It allows for hyper-targeted content based on the audience's visiting time, which printed media cannot match. This level of personalization and interactivity, including touch-screen experiences and content triggered by audience behavior, creates more engaging experiences for customers. Additionally, digital signage's compatibility with various digital media formats supports a more immersive and interactive communication channel compared to the static nature of traditional signage.

By leveraging the advanced capabilities of digital signage, businesses can significantly enhance their content management strategies, ensuring that their messaging is not only current and accurate but also highly engaging and tailored to their target audience.

Engagement and Interactivity

Digital signage solutions are revolutionizing the way businesses engage with their customers by offering dynamic and interactive content that far surpasses the capabilities of traditional print media. The transition to digital signage is not just about replacing static posters with screens; it's about creating a more engaging, memorable, and personalized experience for the viewer. Here are some of the key aspects that underscore the superiority of digital signage in terms of engagement and interactivity:

Real-Time Interaction and Personalization

  • With the integration of geo-fencing, businesses can tailor content based on the viewer’s physical location, ensuring that the message is relevant and engaging.
  • Biometric feedback integration takes personalization a step further by gathering information about the viewer’s emotional state, age, gender, and more, allowing for highly targeted messaging.
  • Touch screens offer a level of interactivity that invites customers to engage directly with the content, from exploring product details to checking in-stock items, thereby enhancing the customer experience and encouraging longer engagement times.

Enhanced Engagement Through Advanced Technologies

  • Augmented reality shopping experiences allow customers to see themselves wearing different outfits or visualize furniture in their space, making the shopping experience more interactive and enjoyable.
  • The use of bright, vibrant images and dynamic messages creates a memorable experience for viewers, significantly improving brand retention and recall.
  • Interactive displays not only serve to inform but also to entertain, creating a welcoming environment for guests and improving relationships with customers, which can lead to increased loyalty.

Impact on Customer Behavior and Brand Awareness

  • Studies have shown that digital signage can increase brand awareness and customer engagement by a significant 47.7%, highlighting its effectiveness in capturing attention.
  • The dynamic content capabilities of digital signage, such as videos and animations, can be more engaging and attention-grabbing than static print signage, potentially increasing footfall by 23% and boosting sales by up to 25%.
  • Digital signage has the potential for viral content and increased brand awareness due to its visual appeal and creative possibilities, making it a powerful tool in the modern retail environment.

By leveraging the advanced capabilities of digital signage, businesses can create a more engaging and interactive environment that not only draws customers in but also encourages them to stay longer and return more frequently. The ability to deliver real-time, personalized content through interactive displays represents a significant advantage over traditional print media, making digital signage an essential element in any modern marketing strategy.

Analyzing the Content Engagement

In the competitive landscape of retail marketing, understanding and improving audience engagement is paramount. Digital signage offers a revolutionary approach to analyzing content engagement, providing businesses with actionable insights and data on customer behavior. This data-driven strategy is a stark contrast to the traditional methods associated with print media, which often involve guesswork and indirect measures of engagement.

Insights and Analytics

  • Digital signage systems are capable of providing detailed analytics, offering insights into how customers interact with the content. Businesses can track metrics such as the duration of engagement with specific content and identify which messages resonate the most with their audience. This level of granularity allows for the optimization of digital marketing strategies, ensuring content is not only engaging but also effective in driving desired customer actions.
  • The measurement of content engagement through digital signage can be approached using ROI (Return on Investment) and ROO (Return on Objectives) methods. ROI involves calculating the costs of the digital signage project against the revenue generated or expected, providing a clear picture of financial returns. On the other hand, ROO focuses on the qualitative aspects, assessing the overall effectiveness of the advertising efforts over time. A combination of these methods, guided by a team of experts, can help businesses identify the most relevant metrics for evaluating their digital signage strategies.

Comparative Analysis with Print Signage

  • While digital signage provides direct and immediate feedback on audience engagement, measuring the impact of print content can be more challenging. Techniques such as surveys, unique coupon codes, and dedicated phone numbers are often employed to gauge print media's effectiveness. However, these methods lack the immediacy and precision of digital analytics. Best practices for enhancing print content engagement include creating captivating designs, tailoring content to the target audience, and including clear calls to action. Despite these efforts, print media's static nature inherently limits its ability to match the dynamic and interactive capabilities of digital signage.

By leveraging the advanced analytics capabilities of digital signage, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their audience's preferences and behaviors. This not only allows for the fine-tuning of content in real-time but also provides valuable insights that can inform broader marketing strategies. The ability to measure and analyze content engagement with precision underscores the advantages of digital signage over traditional print media, offering a more effective and efficient means of connecting with customers.

Visibility and Attention-Grabbing Potential

In the bustling world of retail marketing, the visibility and attention-grabbing potential of advertising mediums are crucial for capturing customer interest and driving sales. Digital signage, with its dynamic and interactive capabilities, stands out significantly from traditional print media in this regard.

  • Visual Impact in Crowded Environments: Digital signage thrives in crowded settings such as shop windows or retail stores, where its bright, vibrant images and dynamic messages easily capture the attention of passersby. Unlike static print ads, digital screens can adapt to the environment, ensuring optimal visibility regardless of lighting conditions or the time of day. This adaptability not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the advertisements but also increases the likelihood of capturing customer interest amidst a sea of competing stimuli.
  • Emotional Engagement and Spending Influence: The impact of digital signage on shopper emotions is profound. By enhancing the perception of the environment, digital signage can positively influence customer mood, leading to an increase in spending. This emotional connection is further leveraged by targeting specific customer demographics, motivating purchases through personalized content that resonates on a deeper level. Studies have shown that such targeted and emotionally engaging content can lead to a significant 33% increase in sales.
  • Brand Perception and Consumer Behavior: The dynamic and eye-catching nature of digital signage not only evokes positive emotions but also triggers impulse buys, thereby directly influencing consumer behavior. Furthermore, businesses that incorporate digital signage are perceived as more modern and successful, which can be a decisive factor for consumers in choosing where to shop. This modernity, coupled with the capability for real-time content updates, positions digital signage as a key player in shaping consumer perceptions and driving brand awareness.

By leveraging the unparalleled visibility and engagement potential of digital signage, businesses can create a more inviting and memorable shopping experience. This not only enhances brand visibility but also fosters a positive emotional connection with customers, ultimately leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

Sustainability Considerations

In the context of sustainability, digital signage emerges as a significantly more eco-friendly alternative to traditional print media. This advantage is rooted in several key areas:

Reduction in Material Use and Waste

  • Unlike print media, which relies heavily on paper, ink, and other consumables, digital signage eliminates the need for these materials, thereby reducing waste and pollution. The traditional print process not only consumes vast amounts of paper but also utilizes inks and cartridges that contain harmful chemicals, contributing to environmental degradation. The shift towards digital solutions, therefore, represents a critical step in minimizing the ecological footprint of advertising and information dissemination.

Energy Efficiency and Longevity

  • Modern digital signage solutions, especially those utilizing LED and projection-based technologies, are designed for energy efficiency. These advancements have led to screens that consume up to 90% less energy than their counterparts two decades ago. Furthermore, digital displays boast a longer lifespan compared to printed materials, which often require frequent replacements due to wear and tear or the need to update content. This longevity, coupled with the recyclability of digital signage components, underscores the eco-friendliness of digital over print.

By embracing digital signage, businesses not only adopt a more dynamic and engaging medium for communication but also contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious marketing strategy. The transition from print to digital is not just a technological upgrade; it's a commitment to reducing ecological footprints and promoting sustainability in the digital age.


The journey from traditional print media to the innovative realm of digital signage represents a significant evolution in retail marketing, addressing longstanding challenges such as low interactivity, the arduous task of content updates, and the static nature of print. Digital signage, with its dynamic and interactive essence, revolutionizes customer engagement by offering real-time updates, vibrant and captivating displays, and tailored messaging. This transition not only alleviates the pain points associated with conventional print advertising but also opens a gateway to a future where engagement and analytical data drive marketing strategies, ensuring content resonates with the target audience effectively and efficiently.

In embracing digital signage solutions like DISPL, businesses are granted the power to capture and analyze audience data in real-time, enabling a level of personalization and interaction unachievable by traditional print media. This shift towards a data-driven, customer-centric approach allows for the optimization of marketing efforts, ensuring maximum impact and return on investment. The benefits of switching to digital signage are clear, paving the way for a more engaged, informed, and satisfied customer base. For those interested in exploring the full potential of digital signage and how it can revolutionize retail marketing, learn more about DISPL, and consider the long-term advantages and ROI of integrating these dynamic solutions into your marketing strategy.


What are the advantages of using digital signage in retail?

Digital signage offers a multitude of benefits for retailers, including the ability to draw customers into the store, influence their purchasing decisions, repurpose content from social media, provide entertainment, enhance the store's digital presence, drive up sales, make products more readily available, and improve communication within the organization.

How does digital content differ from print content?

The primary distinction between digital and print content lies in their presentation and intended medium. Digital design is crafted to captivate audiences through visual elements on screens and technology, such as websites, PDFs, and digital advertisements. On the other hand, print design is created for material that will be printed and displayed on physical media.

What metrics are used to gauge the success of digital signage?

The effectiveness of digital signage is commonly measured using several key performance indicators (KPIs), which include the number of views to assess how many people have seen the content, the engagement rate to understand how interactive the audience is with the content (though precise engagement rates require specific metrics for numerical data), and the conversion rates to track the success in achieving the signage's goals.

What are some potential drawbacks of digital signage?

There are several disadvantages to consider with digital signage: the initial cost can be quite high due to the necessary investment in hardware and software, which might be prohibitive for smaller businesses; technical issues can arise, necessitating ongoing maintenance; security risks are a concern, as digital systems can be vulnerable to breaches; content management requires consistent effort and strategy; and the reach may be limited compared to online content, as it is confined to the physical location of the screens.

How to develop an effective content strategy for in-store advertising?

Learn how to make an efficient content strategy with this guide, containing 8 key questions you need to answer in order to hit the target with your digital signage content.

Get the guide
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