Employee efficiency demonstration

Optimizing in-store staff efficiency with DISPL's behavioral analytics

In the fast-paced world of retail, efficient management of in-store operations is crucial to maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction and profitability.
Yuri Garmider
Yuri Garmider
Marketing Manager
April 19, 2024
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The ability to optimize staff schedules, understand customer interactions, and allocate resources where they are most needed can set a retail store apart from its competitors. This is where DISPL's behavioral analytics steps in, offering a sophisticated suite of tools designed to enhance your store management and support marketing efforts. One of the features of DISPL Visitor Insights is employee efficiency analysis, which we will cover in this article.

DISPL's technology leverages behavioral analytics to provide detailed insights into how staff and customers interact within a store. This data not only helps in improving employee productivity but also enhances overall store performance. By distinguishing between employees and customers based on the duration of their stay and tracking their interactions, DISPL creates a comprehensive picture of store dynamics that can be used to refine operational strategies.

Understanding DISPL's behavioral analytics

Overview of the technology:

DISPL's Visitor Insights solution uses AI-powered sensors and data analysis tools to monitor and interpret actions within a retail environment. The system identifies employees by detecting individuals who remain in-store for extended periods, typically more than three hours. This distinction is crucial as it allows the system to filter out employee data from customer data, ensuring accuracy in tracking and analysis.

Key features:

One of the standout features of DISPL is its ability to track a wide range of interactions within the store. This includes:

  • Employee-customer interactions: the system records each interaction between staff and customers, noting the frequency and duration. This data is vital for understanding how staff engagement affects customer satisfaction and sales.
  • Staff presence and movement: DISPL's sensors track how often employees are within range of key store areas equipped with sensors. This includes tracking times when employees are out of sensor reach, for example, on a break or not in an area with a sensor.
  • Proximity to customers: by monitoring how often staff are near customers, managers can gain insights into potential missed opportunities for engagement or areas where staff may be underutilized. An important note is that being near the customer doesn't mean engaging in a conversation.

These features are supported by DISPL's robust data processing capabilities, which ensure that all information captured is analyzed in real-time and on the device, meaning no video or photo files are sent from the device, which is vital for compliance with even the strictest privacy protection laws, including GDPR and CCPA.

The data captured by DISPL's behavioral analytics provides a solid foundation for several critical operational adjustments and improvements in retail settings. From optimizing staff allocations based on real-time customer traffic patterns to adjusting schedules to better handle peak times, the insights garnered can transform a store's operations.

As we delve deeper into the practical applications of these analytics in retail environments, the benefits of DISPL's technology in crafting a responsive and efficient retail operation become increasingly apparent. In the following sections, we will explore these applications and how they can be implemented to maximize both employee performance and customer satisfaction.

Applications of employee analytics in retail

In retail, the efficient management of employee resources is not just about having enough staff on the floor; it's about ensuring that these employees are positioned optimally to enhance customer service and drive sales. DISPL's Visitor Insights is a powerful tool for achieving these goals through strategic staff allocation and improved scheduling.

Enhancing staff allocation:

DISPL's analytics help pinpoint areas within a store that experience high customer traffic and require more employee attention. For instance, if a particular section of the store consistently shows higher customer density or interaction, the system can alert managers to redirect staff to these areas to assist customers, potentially increasing sales opportunities and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Example scenario: consider a large electronics store with multiple sections. DISPL's analytics might reveal that the mobile devices section has a higher interaction rate between customers and employees, leading to more sales. Using this data, store managers can allocate more staff to this section during peak hours, ensuring that customers are assisted promptly, which could reduce wait times and improve overall customer experience.

Scheduling and efficiency:

Data from DISPL not only aids in daily management but also helps in crafting efficient work schedules that align with traffic patterns and peak interaction times. This scheduling can significantly improve operational efficiency by ensuring that staff are available when they are most needed.

  • Case example: a department store uses DISPL analytics to analyze traffic and interaction patterns over a month. The data shows that Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons have the highest customer footfall and interaction rates. The store management adjusts employee schedules to ensure more staff availability during these peak times, which helps manage the increased workload and maintains high customer service standards.

Integrating DISPL analytics into your BI system

The real power of DISPL's behavioral analytics lies in its ability to integrate seamlessly with existing business intelligence systems. This integration allows retailers to amplify the value of their collected data by combining it with other operational insights.

Data integration with BI systems:

Integrating DISPL's data with a BI system can transform raw data into actionable insights. Here's how businesses can undertake this integration:

  1. API connectivity: utilize DISPL's Visitor Insights API to connect the analytics data directly with the BI system. This connection enables the BI system to pull in data in real-time or at scheduled intervals.
  2. Data synchronization: ensure that the data formats between DISPL and the existing BI systems are compatible, potentially using middleware or data transformation tools to standardize data formats for effective analysis.
  3. Dashboard incorporation: incorporate analytics data into existing BI dashboards or create new ones specifically to monitor employee interactions and effectiveness. These dashboards can display key metrics such as peak interaction times, staff allocation efficiency, and customer engagement levels.

Creating custom reports:

With DISPL's analytics fully integrated, retailers can start to generate custom reports that cater specifically to their operational needs:

  • Operational performance reports: create reports that analyze the effectiveness of current staff allocations and schedules against sales outcomes to continually refine operational strategies.
  • Employee efficiency reports: generate detailed reports on individual or team performances with metrics on customer interaction rates, task completion times, and overall effectiveness.

Limitations and considerations

While DISPL's behavioral analytics offers numerous advantages, it's important to acknowledge certain limitations and considerations that businesses must keep in mind when implementing this technology:

Analytical limitations:

  • Behavioral focus: the system focuses on faces and movement patterns rather than specific individual performances. It is designed to optimize operations at a macro level, which might not capture the full nuances of individual employee performance. For example, DISPL can not count a number of coffee cups a barista makes during their shift.
  • Emotion detection: emotion detection capabilities are limited to strongly expressed emotions, which may not provide a complete understanding of subtle customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

Privacy and compliance:

  • Data privacy: DISPL adheres to privacy laws such as GDPR, ensuring that all data collected is anonymized and stored securely. However, retailers need to maintain transparency with customers regarding the data being collected to avoid any potential privacy concerns. To do so, a special sticker with a privacy policy has to be placed in the store.
  • Operational transparency: It's crucial for businesses to communicate the use of such analytics to their employees, ensuring that staff understands how data is being used and that it's intended to enhance, not monitor their performance.


Incorporating DISPL's audience analytics into a retail operation can revolutionize how businesses interact with their customers and manage their staff. By leveraging detailed insights into customer and employee behaviors, retailers can optimize staff placements, improve scheduling efficiencies, and ultimately enhance the overall shopping experience. This leads not only to increased sales but also to greater customer loyalty and employee satisfaction.

Retailers looking to stay competitive in today's market must consider how technology like DISPL can be integrated into their existing operations. The benefits of such integration extend beyond immediate operational adjustments, providing strategic insights that can shape future business decisions.


1. What exactly is behavioral analytics in the context of retail?

  • Behavioral analytics in retail involves analyzing data generated by customer and employee behaviors in-store. This includes tracking movement patterns, interaction durations, and engagement levels to optimize store operations and enhance customer service.

2. How does DISPL distinguish between an employee and a customer?

  • DISPL uses time-based criteria to differentiate between employees and customers. Typically, if someone stays within the store for more than three hours, the system identifies them as an employee. This helps in accurately tracking and analyzing staff interactions versus customer engagements.

3. Can DISPL's system track specific employee actions, like sales conversions?

  • While DISPL's system excels at tracking interactions and presence, it is not designed to directly measure task-specific actions such as sales conversions. The system focuses more on overall behavioral trends and interaction metrics.

4. Is DISPL GDPR compliant?

  • Yes, DISPL's analytics platform is designed to be fully compliant with GDPR and other privacy regulations. It anonymizes and aggregates data to ensure privacy and security, focusing solely on behavioral patterns without storing personal identifiable information (PII).

5. How can DISPL's analytics data be integrated into existing BI systems?

  • DISPL's data can be integrated via the Visitor Insights API, which allows for seamless connectivity with most BI systems. This enables businesses to synchronize and analyze combined datasets in real-time, enriching their operational insights.

6. What are some of the limitations of DISPL's emotion detection capabilities?

  • DISPL's emotion detection technology primarily identifies strongly expressed emotions. It is less effective at recognizing subtle emotional cues, which means it should not be solely relied upon for comprehensive emotional analysis.

7. How does DISPL ensure that employee tracking does not invade privacy?

  • DISPL prioritizes privacy by ensuring all data collected is anonymized and used in aggregate form. Additionally, the system does not remember specific metrics or behaviors beyond a 24-hour period, focusing instead on general patterns to improve operational efficiency.

8. Can DISPL's analytics help with scheduling and staff allocation?

  • Absolutely. By providing detailed insights into peak traffic times and interaction rates, DISPL's analytics can help businesses create more effective staff schedules and allocate resources where they are needed most, enhancing both employee and customer satisfaction.

9. What type of support does DISPL offer for businesses implementing their analytics system?

  • DISPL offers comprehensive support ranging from initial setup and integration to ongoing maintenance and training. Businesses can access a variety of resources, including live support, online tutorials, and detailed documentation.

10. How do businesses typically benefit from implementing DISPL's behavioral analytics?

  • Businesses benefit by gaining a deeper understanding of customer and employee behaviors, which can lead to improved operational efficiency, increased sales, better customer experiences, and more effective staff management.

How to set goals and measure success with KPIs?

This guide will help you select the appropriate tools and performance metrics to accomplish your goals with visual merchandising and digital in-store advertising.

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